$1 Million Donation to Creation Museum!

on January 15, 2001

A Cincinnati, Ohio family–who has a passion for proclaiming Biblical truths–is donating the largest gift yet to AiG’s future $14 million Creation Museum and Family Discovery Center: $1 million.

A Cincinnati, Ohio family-who has a passion for proclaiming Biblical truths-is donating the largest gift yet to AiG’s future $14 million Creation Museum and Family Discovery Center: $1 million. (AiG has honored the family’s request for anonymity in their desire to honor Jesus Christ’s words regarding giving in Matthew 6:1-4.)

At the same time, a construction firm in Michigan has informed AiG that it will be donating all of its services to grade the land, which will save hundreds of thousands of dollars. With these major donations, AiG can now begin the 95,000-square-foot project.

“For the past six weeks, thousands of God’s people throughout America-and even overseas-have caught the importance of this future international outreach near Cincinnati,” reported Ken Ham, Executive Director of the Bible-upholding ministry of AiG. “Combining our major donations with thousands of other gifts, we now have enough money in the bank to hire contractors, order materials such as some of the steel, and prepare for a tentative groundbreaking date of March 17… and continue to raise the additional funds needed to complete the project.”

Ham added: “We’re not taking out a mortgage-this project will be donor built.” The million-dollar donor is encouraging people across America to get behind the Bible-proclaiming museum.

What visitors will see in 2002!

This 50,000-square-foot museum facility (to be built along with a 45,000-square-foot ministry headquarters) will be located just west of the Cincinnati Airport in Northern Kentucky and will face I-275. It will provide visitors from around the globe with a “walk-through” history of the world, starting from the Bible’s very first verse. A “virtual tour"’ of the museum will also be possible on this Web site.

Dinosaur models, dioramas, and other exciting exhibits (including interactive displays) will give families a dramatic visual tour of Biblical history, showing that the Bible can be trusted from Genesis to Revelation.

What is a “gift in kind?”

With this project, AiG is employing a “gifts in kind” strategy, in which construction and supply businesses offer their services/supplies at a substantially reduced cost. This was the instance with the construction firm above and also with A.M. Kinney Associates Inc., a major Cincinnati architectural firm that recently donated a significant portion of its services to the project. This firm will also lead the construction management team-also at a substantial discount-and will be working with general contractors and others in construction management.

The grand opening of the first phase of the Creation Museum is tentatively planned for the summer of 2002. Because the future museum is located within a day’s drive of about 170-million Americans, the impressive museum collections should make this a major tourist attraction in the Eastern half of the United States and be a popular Internet attraction around the world.


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