Giving Thanks to our Creator-Savior

on November 24, 2006
Featured in Feedback

Since then my faith has been strengthened and I have been able to teach my teenage daughter to not only believe in the word of God but to defend it with confidence.

My family and I want to thank AIG and all who are a part of this ministry. My husband and I came to know the Lord in 2000 and for years struggled with so many questions about the Bible, evolution, and creation. I have read many books but most were hard for me to really understand fully. Then earlier this year God led me to the AIG website. I was looking online for information on creation, it was for a project I wanted my daughter to do. Since then my faith has been strengthened and I have been able to teach my teenage daughter (who I have home schooled for the last three years)to not only believe in the word of God but to defend it with confidence.My husband, daughter and I have all gained so much from the AIG website and the now the Answers magazine. We all find it easier to share our faith with others and are looking forward to sending out the AIG Christmas cards this year as well as gift subscriptions of Answers to all our family and friends. We are a single income family and do not have much left after bills and basic needs but I know that this is the best gift we can give to those we care about. I pray that this year all those who believe in what AIG is doing will give the gift that will keep on giving into eternity. Gods blessings to all of you at AIG and may God expand all you are trying to do for those in and out of the church. With love and thanks,

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,

Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy,

For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

– Philippians 1:3–6, KJV

– H.H., USA

I've just read a recent feedback article and would like to add my own comment. I too am a 16-year-old student and I will be forever grateful for the information and viewpoints put forward on this website. It is a constant source of encouragement and you at AiG have played an important part in my faith. Here in England, the home of Darwin and Dawkins, where the education system is not nearly as Christian as it seems, it is refreshing to be able to visit a site like this.

Thank you, and may God bless you richly.

– T.D., UK

Dear Ken Ham and AiG,

We are so blessed by God's efforts through you. We recently were blessed to have Dr. David Menton deliver the gospel message to our seminary (Concordia, St. Louis). We needed his uncompromising message.

I wanted to equip fellow students with your new book, "Evolution Exposed" but it had already sold out of the first printing, and the next printing was not available in time for the event. I asked one of your customer service representatives for "just one copy" to show the seminarians and those in attendance, but none were left to buy. However, what came in the mail just a few days later was an amazing testament to the work of God's Spirit in your staff, as [an AiG staff member] sent us her personal display copy. This gift of love turned into over three cases of books ordered and counting! This selfless act seems to be just one more example of God working in you and your ministry. Thank you for your dedicated service to the good news of Jesus Christ in all things! May God continue to bless you to be a blessing to all people.

– T.K., USA

This is a comment about the ministry.

Yesterday my children and I heard [Mr.] Ham speak in Gardendale, AL. We praise God for him, boldly and plainly speaking the truth. He stood out among the preachers at the convention. For so many southern baptist ministers, their words are lost in the rythmical cadence of their preaching. Not so for [Mr.] Ham. Thanks! (It may be that the preachers needed the preaching of Ken Ham!)

He made a lot of good points. One is that our country has the most christian resources of any, yet christianity here is dying. There is a need for true preaching, true concern for the lost, and for the assimilation of all areas of life and study with the Word of God.

We were also very pleased to hear that the governor of Kentuky will be there to open the museum. Wow! What an endorsement! Congradulations!

God bless you all.

– B., USA


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