Free Illustrations

on June 18, 1998

See also Creation Wise and After Eden cartoons.

Which is in your ancestry Adam or Ape?

Which Is in Your Ancestry: Adam or Ape?


Cut up the Bible

This is an interesting illustration showing how Christians usually compromise.

Cut up the Bible


“Did God Really Say That?”

Knowing how the enemy works is vital to being effective in ministry. The way that it all started is the same way it happens today. If the enemy can cause doubt. . . .

Did God Really Say That?


Just How Important Are the Scriptures? They Mean the World to Us!

Life Book: World over Bible


Our Thinking!

This is a very important overhead to show what our position on the Bible should be.

Our Thinking in Every Area (Comes from the Bible)


First Church of the Lukewarm

First Church of the Lukewarm


Read Between the Lines

This is an interesting little graphic that you can use to try and get others to look at information in a new way. At first people will look at the “dark” areas. After you point out that the word is made up of the “light” area, they can see what it really says. The evidence didn't change only the way that they looked at it did.

Read Between the Lines


Let God’s Word Insulate You from Attack

Let God’s Word Insulate You from Attack


The Tail of Behemoth

A series of illustrations showing how behomoth (Job 40:15) was probably a dinosaur.

Hippo Without a Tail

Hippo Without a Tail


Elephant Without a Tail

Elephant Without a Tail


Dinosaur Without a Tail

Dinosaur Without a Tail


Tail to Match with First Three Pictures

Behemoth Tail


Elephant with a Large Trunk

Elephant with a Large Trunk


Bad Will Influence Good

Bad Will Influence Good


Parents Must Influence Their Children with Biblical Truth

Parents Must Influence Their Children with Biblical Truth


Children Are Contaminated by This World

Children Are Contaminated by This World


Which One Can You Take to Heaven?

Which One Can You Take to Heaven?



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