We’re very excited to announce that another episode in the Buddy Davis’ Amazing Adventures DVD series won an award. This time, it’s Alaska!
At the recent Christian Worldview Film Festival in San Antonio, three of the DVDs we’ve produced this year were finalists in the Short Documentary category: The Wild Brothers: Jewels of the Jungle; The Wild Brothers: Paradise Lost; and Buddy’s newest, Alaska! The Short Documentary category is perhaps the most competitive, with dozens of entries. We were thrilled that three of our productions were finalists and that Buddy’s DVD won!
Buddy Davis, director Ben Wilt, and producer Dale Mason
Buddy Davis’ Amazing Adventures series is very popular with kids of all ages. They love Buddy’s fun and creative style. Kids sing along with Buddy as he performs songs throughout each DVD adventure, and they meet God’s creatures and see gorgeous scenery that points to the handiwork of the Creator. They’ll also learn about a biblical worldview of dinosaurs, fossils, caves, oil, minerals, and more throughout the series. No wonder parents and kids alike love them!
At a staff meeting this week, Buddy declared the following about his Alaska! DVD and the recent award,
We do this for the Lord, so I just want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, first and foremost. We make these DVDs because we want kids and families to learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ultimately it’s not about teaching them creation or a biblical worldview—though those things are important. Ultimately our purpose and goal is to reach the world with the message of the good news that Jesus came and died in our place and that He rose again from the grave, giving all who believe eternal life. That’s what I want to do with these DVDs.
Ken Ham, a longtime friend of Buddy Davis, said of the award,
We work hard to produce first-rate video content that boldly and unashamedly teaches the message of biblical authority and the gospel. It was exciting to see the hard work our production team put into Buddy’s excellent new DVD, recently honored at the Christian Worldview Film Festival. This DVD is a fun, family-friendly resource for parents who want to help their kids develop a biblical worldview. I highly recommend it.
We’re thankful for the director, AiG’s Ben Wilt, and his talented video production team as well!
Learn more about Buddy’s latest adventure, and view a short clip from the DVD, in our online store. For a limited time, when you purchase Buddy’s Amazing Adventures set at our special price, you’ll receive a free digital download of Buddy’s award-winning Alaska! Use promo code ALASKA or simply use this link and enjoy the adventure today with your whole family!
Buddy Davis and director Ben Wilt receiving the award from producer Dale Mason during an Answers in Genesis staff meeting.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.