A Remarkable History of God’s Provision

Fifteen years of blessings since the founding of Answers in Genesis

by Ken Ham on February 24, 2009

For 15 years, God has blessed AiG in ways that we could never have expected.

Many organizations commemorate anniversaries at their 10-year mark, 25-year mark, and so on. But I thought it would be good to make note of the fact that AiG is now 15 years of age and that God has blessed it so mightily over these years. I encourage you to read the fascinating history of the ministry going back to early 1994; at the same time, it gives you some background to the events of the 1970s, 1980s, and early ‘90s that paved the way for the formation of Answers in Genesis.

This history document can be found here or by clicking on the “History” item in the “About Us” menu above. The AiG history is updated every few months as needed. This article, by the way, is maintained by Mark Looy of our staff, who has a couple of degrees in history. Not only has he captured many of the major events of AiG’s 15-year history, but he has also provided some interesting insights (as well as a few interesting photos). For example, did you know:

  • when AiG first started 15 years ago, most people had never heard of what we now call the Internet—and email was only something used by large businesses and government agencies?
  • some of the high-tech exhibits you now see in our Creation Museum were only dreams 15 years ago?
  • the current site of the museum is the second piece of property we attempted to purchase?
  • 2009 marks the 30th anniversary of my resigning from being a public school teacher to go full time into the biblical creation ministry—and eventually becoming a missionary to America 22 years ago.

The world has certainly changed greatly since 1994, but one thing is constant: the battle over the authority and accuracy of the Bible continues, only with greater intensity today. This month, with the celebrations over Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday (February 12) we see even more skirmishes, and this website stands ready to equip you with answers to counter his ideas and their evil fruits.

To rejoice with us in the blessings of the past 15 years, I encourage you to visit our history page.


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