Help Your Kids Catch God’s Word

Raising Godly Families

by Ken Ham on May 19, 2016

Part 4


This is Ken Ham, president of the ministry bringing you the exciting Ark Encounter!


There is a saying that, when it comes to kids, “more is caught than taught.” Children are less likely to do what they are taught . . . and more likely to remember what they see around them every day.

You know, studies show that kids are more likely to grow up to follow biblical principles if they see their parents living out these principles. So, are you applying God’s Word in visible ways in your life? Do your kids see you reading your Bible, praying, and worshipping God? Are you helping them learn by example how to think biblically about social issues?

This is more than taking them to church or doing family devotions. They need to see you living biblically.

So, help them “catch” God’s Word by your example.

Further Reading

About Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis–US, the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark Encounter. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America.

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