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Creation: The World Around Us

Genesis 1–2

by Evan Beach on October 11, 2023

Have you ever wondered how you got here or why the world is the way it is? Those are good questions, and God has told us what we need to know. But to understand how things got to the way they are now, we need to start from the very beginning.

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
God created the heavens and the earth in six 24-hour days.

Before the earth was even created, God existed! You may have heard at some point that the earth was formed over billions of years ago, but that is not what God’s Word tells us; God has told us that he created the heavens and the earth in six normal (24-hour) days (Genesis 1:31) and then separated (sanctified/made holy) the seventh day to be a day of rest (Genesis 2:1–3).

Days of Creation

1. Genesis 1:1–5

The earth and light

2. Genesis 1:6–8

Heaven (sky, outer space) and water

3. Genesis 1:9–13

Land and plants

4. Genesis 1:14–19

Lights for telling time and stars

5. Genesis 1:20–23

Flying creatures and aquatic creatures

6. Genesis 1:24–31

Land creatures and humans

7. Genesis 2:1–4

The Sabbath

On the seventh day, after God had finished his work of creating the heavens and the earth, everything was very good! It wasn’t exactly like we see around us today. If you go on a hike today, you will see God’s creation, but you might notice things like thorns on certain flowers and bushes, plants that make you itch if you touch them (like poison ivy and stinging nettles), and you might even be afraid of animals that could attack you or poison you. God’s creation was perfect before sin! There was no sickness or death, and humans lived together with animals without fear (Genesis 1:26).

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