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What About Your Design?

on December 12, 2013

Animals are created to show God’s wisdom, but you are recreated to love God and show His love and forgiveness to others who need a new heart.

Animals have some pretty amazing features, with all those colors and spots and patterns. Each line and swirl points to God, the One who made the world and everything that lives in it. You could say that the glory of His wisdom is built right into them.


But we are different. The Bible says that God made humans in His image (Genesis 1:26). This is a great honor. Why? Unlike the animals that can show God’s power by their bodies alone, we are privileged to love, worship, and obey Him with our mind, body, and soul.

But we have a problem. You see, we live in a world that’s darkened by sin, and that darkness includes our hearts (Romans 1:21). We say and do the wrong things. We don’t give thanks or praise God like we were created to do—we need new hearts.

Only Jesus can change our evil hearts to work the way He created them to work. Only He can get them singing and praising like they should. That’s because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, makes us right with God from the inside out (2 Corinthians 5:17).

So you may not have amazing color patterns. But you receive something more wonderful. If you admit the darkness of your heart and believe Jesus died to take the punishment for your sins, your sins will be completely forgiven, and you will receive a brand-new heart. And when that happens, your new life in Christ can shine light into a dark world.

Animals That Dazzle

This issue of Kids Answers features animals that dazzle! Learn how animals were created to show God’s wisdom.

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