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Molecules-to-Man Evolution

Before You Go—Overview of Biblical History

on February 22, 2013
Ape-to-man evolution

When the phrase “human evolution” is used, this is probably one of the first images to pop into people’s minds. Despite its widespread use, it is not based on factual evidence, but on imagination.

Over 1 billion years after the earth formed, life began from non-living matter. A popular belief today is that all animals and humans evolved (changed) from one kind into another kind over millions of years. Molecules-to-man evolution claims that everything we see happened by purely natural processes. (Some believe that in the beginning God created simple life forms, and then let natural processes take over, so that what we see today evolved from these early simple life forms. Some say that there is no God who created or began anything.)

These people would say that everything is the result of time and natural processes, that everything happened by accident. Fish-to-philosopher evolution often includes the belief that life formed from something that was not living, and then that life evolved, over millions of years, into the different animals we have today.

Some evolutionists even believe that humans evolved from apelike creatures and that dinosaurs evolved into birds. Scientists have demonstrated for us that these things are just not possible: life has never been observed to come from non-living chemicals. Animals don’t change into other kinds of animals. Even though amoeba-to-architect evolution is taught in most museums (and other places), molecules-to-man evolution is not fact. It is based on the ideas of man, not on the Bible, which comes from God.

Particles-to-people evolution is taught nowhere in the Bible, and is not supported by science. Instead, from the Bible, we learn that God created plants, animals, and humans to produce “after their kind” (Genesis 1). For more information, see page 11.

Museum Guide

Are you exasperated by all the hype about "millions of years" in secular museums? The Museum Guide will help!

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