God designed the sun and moon perfectly for us to live on earth.
Is our planet—the earth—special? After all, the universe is huge, and there are lots of stars and planets out there. Aren’t we just like the rest? Not at all! Our planet has some pretty unique features that make life possible. And two of those features are right in plain sight: the sun and moon that God made on Day 4 of the Creation Week, only about 6,000 years ago. They really shed some light on how special we truly are.
Did you know that our sun is actually a star? It’s so close to us and so bright—while other stars are twinkling little specks.
Our moon is pretty as it shines up there in the sky, but did you know that it was also created to be unique? No other moon around any other planet even compares.
Read this issue and then use the clues below to complete the crossword puzzle. Can you do it?
Which came first—light or the sun? Well, according to the Bible—God’s perfect record of the past—the answer is light.