Partnership with Children’s Hunger Fund and Slavic Gospel Association

Jesus enlisted each one of us to deliver the hope of the gospel to the ends of the earth and to care for those who are hungry and thirsty (Matthew 25:34–40). And when we all get to heaven, the celebration will include the voices of every tribe, tongue, and nation!

Sadly, because we live in a fallen world, children suffer from hunger and malnutrition in many places around the world. Their stomachs are empty, and they don’t have access to food to fill it. And even worse, they don’t know the one true God and the one true way of salvation through His one true Son, Jesus Christ. Together, we must deliver hope!

This year, Answers in Genesis is partnering with Children’s Hunger Fund and Slavic Gospel Association to provide Food Paks.

Partnering with Children’s Hunger Fund and Slavic Gospel Association

Watch this short video that tells of the special partnership we have with these organizations:

Food Paks

In many countries around the world, local churches use these boxes of food to deliver the hope of the gospel to the homes of suffering children.

Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund
Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund
Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund
Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund
Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund
Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund
Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund
Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund
Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund
Distributing Food Paks through the Children's Hunger Fund

Gospel Tracts

Answers in Genesis, Slavic Gospel Association, and Children’s Hunger Fund have joined forces to create gospel tracts—available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Thai—which are deposited into each and every Food Pak! Purchasing the English versions of these tracts in bulk helps to fund the distribution of these tracts in the Food Paks.

  • Tract: Is God Real?
  • Tract: Good News!
  • Tract: Why Are We Different?
  • Tract: What Is the Bible About?

This venture is all about putting our worldview into action, delivering help and hope. Every person is created in the image of God. We are one race, and Jesus commanded us to make disciples of every tongue, tribe, and nation:

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matthew 28:18–20)


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