Teaching Students with Diverse Needs

by Laura Elizabeth Fabrizio on October 10, 2024

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)

Our sons are so completely different from one another that it’s hard to believe they’re from the same parents. To me, it’s a nice reminder that they’re truly God’s workmanship created with their own unique giftings and personalities. Because every child is different, each one has their own diverse learning needs. Diverse needs aren’t limited to students with diagnosed learning disabilities—all children have learning needs.

Figuring out what works best for your child doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Prayerfully start with your own evaluation of your child. Consider things like how they communicate and what they enjoy doing recreationally. Use your observations to inform how to set up their learning environment, schedule, and mode of teaching.

When They Learn

To come up with a daily schedule, consider your student’s attention span and stamina. If your child is intimidated by certain subjects like math, find ways to cover those subjects daily so they can build confidence by repeating the skills they learn. Challenging subjects can become overwhelming when they aren’t given enough time to practice.

For content-based subjects like history, you may be able to cover the material fewer days per week if that material is easier for your student. This schedule can free up time for non-core classes they may enjoy more, such as music and art. Consider posting your daily routine so that your child knows what to expect. If your student prefers flexibility, be sure to provide them with sensible choices on how to arrange their day. Balance their breaks with helping them develop a productive work routine.

Where They Learn

Consider noise level, visual distractions, and lighting when setting up a workspace for your child. You may want to think about giving them a menu of reasonable options to choose from—based on their preferences. You could post the menu and have them indicate their choices with colorful pegs, magnets, etc., giving you an easy way to keep track of where your child is working. Consider periodically including fun choices like a tent or swing.

How They Learn

Finding the right pace for your child is especially important. This is where your personal observations will be absolutely needed. Students often experience a sense of accomplishment when they successfully meet a challenge, so you’ll want to avoid going so slowly that they feel idle and bored. Be prepared to change up the pace as you gauge your student’s progress.

It’s also important to match the mode of teaching to your child’s learning style. Don’t be afraid to try new strategies and test different ideas. If your child is an auditory learner, audiobooks and educational videos can be especially effective. Graphic illustrations and poster boards are great options for visual learners. If your student is a tactile learner, be sure to consider hands-on ways for them to both learn and demonstrate their knowledge. Think about options like using math manipulatives and having your student build models for science and history. Give an artistic child opportunities to be creative with music, poetry, and art. Doing so can make less-appealing subjects more palatable.

What They Learn

There’s more to diverse learning needs than just how a child processes information. A student’s emotional and spiritual needs play an important role. Think about your child’s heart and look to the Lord for guidance in educating them. Children are confronted with secular ideas every day. Teach your child to view what they see and hear based on God’s Word. Train them up to think critically and see the world through the lens of Scripture. Weave the Bible in throughout the day in all subjects. Take time to point to God’s wonderous attributes and enjoy the handiwork of our amazing Creator.

Exciting Opportunities for Homeschooling Families

Science Programs at Our Attractions

At the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, we have a wide variety of educational programs where kids and teens can learn about scientific subjects through a biblical worldview. These include Explore Jr. and Explore Days programs focusing on topics such as zoology, botany, forensics, or fossils; 3- and 5-day camps; high school labs and lab intensives, and more! Visit CreationMuseum.org/education to see upcoming programs and to register your student.

Answers Homeschool Experience

A treat for the entire family! Answers Homeschool Experience is a three-day conference designed to help equip you in your homeschooling journey. The theme for 2025 is Raising Daniels: Teaching Faithfulness in Today’s Culture, and we hope you’ll consider joining us for this faith-building event where you can be encouraged and equipped by biblically solid teaching, enjoy all that the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter have to offer, and make lasting family memories. Register your family today at AnswersHomeschool.com.


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