The Gospel—Shared at NASA!

by Ken Ham on June 25, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Earlier this month I wrote a blog about the launch of the Starliner to the International Space Station because the captain of the historic voyage is a big friend of Answers in Genesis—Captain Barry “Butch” Wilmore. Well, I wanted to share two more videos from Captain Wilmore with you.

This first video is a short clip from the Starliner, showing Captain Wilmore shining a light out the window of the capsule. Oh, and you can tell the earth is not flat!

And I thought you’d also enjoy this video of a short clip that was played on the buses bringing people to watch the launch. In it, you’ll see Captain Wilmore sharing the message of the gospel with everyone (please note this video represents his own views and not NASA’s).

Praise the Lord for bold men who love him and are so eager to share his truth with others.

Please continue to pray for Captain Wilmore as he completes his mission on the ISS and returns safely to earth.

New Resource for Kids

Oh, and if the thought of space fascinates your kids, I encourage you to check out a brand-new book from our astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner, along with Mark Wainwright, Awesome Facts About Space. This book is now available for preorder and is filled with incredible facts and truths about our Creator. They’ll love it!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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