Ministry Update: Praise God for How He’s Using Answers VBS to Change Lives

by Ken Ham on March 26, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The end of this year marks 30 years of the Answers in Genesis ministry—praise the Lord! For three decades, God has been faithful not only to meet our needs but to use us for his glory, to equip and strengthen the church, and to reach the lost with the gospel. Just one example is through our powerful evangelistic tool, Answers VBS (vacation Bible school) outreach.

This teaching roots them in the truth and authority of God’s Word and the gospel message, giving them a truly biblical worldview.

There is such a need in churches for children’s content that isn’t “fluffy” or just moralistic. Children don’t need only “Bible stories” (accounts from Scripture that are presented either as the aforementioned “fluffy” moralism or as mere childish tales)—they need the rich doctrine and theology that the accounts in Scripture are given to teach us. This teaching roots them in the truth and authority of God’s Word and the gospel message, giving them a truly biblical worldview.

So many churches are hungry for these kinds of resources for the youngest members of their congregations because they see the desperate need. And we’re so thankful that, by God’s grace, we’ve been able to supply this kind of teaching through programs like Answers VBS. Here are a few encouraging testimonies about how helpful churches are finding this program:

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  • Encouraging testimony about how helpful churches are finding Answers VBS

Praise the Lord!

You know, one thing that really makes our VBS not only unique but especially powerful is that we are willing to tackle topics that many other children’s ministry producers are afraid to touch—such as racism (The Incredible Race, 2019), the global flood (Ocean Commotion, 2016), sanctity of life (Zoomerang, 2022), objective truth (Keepers of the Kingdom, 2023), and more—to help churches provide answers to the tough questions the world is throwing at our children (in an age-appropriate way, of course).

We continue to grow, I believe, because churches are seeing more and more our uniqueness and the impact this focus on biblical authority and apologetics has on their church family and their communities.

We praise the Lord for how he is using the full body of Christ, and AiG specifically, to point others to Christ! May God continue to use us in this powerful outreach!

If your church is interested in hosting Answers VBS this summer at your church, go to and enjoy 20% off your VBS purchase with coupon code 20VBSK at checkout.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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