After a long day of discussions, the AiG board and leadership staff had a night of relaxation at the 'Bar J' Ranch.
What an entertaining night! As well as the great singing and playing of various instruments, the humor had many of us with tears streaming down our faces! We all need a good laugh now and then.
The Photos: 1. The AiG board at the 'Bar J' 2. The 'Wrangler' singers 3. 'Grandma'--the humor highlight of the night!
Tomorrow the board and some of the staff will drive through Yellowstone national Park. We'll also spend time talking about ministry blessings and decisions as we travel in the vehicles.
Never a dull moment at AiG.
Thanks for stopping by and keep praying
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.