Give Me That Mountain

In the book of Joshua we are told of 85-year-old Caleb who cried out those now famous words, “Give me that mountain.” This expression came as Israel had finally won the battles and was now in the Promised Land and dividing up the territory. This Mount Hebron was filled with giants, yet he claimed it as his own.

This week, I move from the traditional pulpit ministry to a mountain-top ministry. No giants up this mountain—but lots of God’s created beauty.

Like the circuit-riding “parson” of the olden days, I will mount my steed and climb to the top of one of Montana’s beautiful mountains. We will camp next to a very beautiful and very cold mountain-top lake.

In this enviable location, I will have the joy of ministering the Word of God as part of an Answers in Genesis WorldWide ministry. This men’s and (older) teen retreat is designed to get away from the busy life and focus on the Creator God in a very serene location.

We are all praying for a wonderful mountain-top experience.


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