How Does Answers in Genesis Impact Women?

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on October 16, 2014

Last week I had the opportunity to represent Answers in Genesis at the True Woman conference in Indianapolis. Our booth was so consistently busy that I didn’t even have a chance to take any pictures of the crowds! AiG has attended this conference sponsored by Revive Our Hearts the last several years, and we always receive a very warm welcome from the attendees.


We greatly enjoyed the teaching sessions, but I actually enjoyed the singing almost as much! Keith and Kristyn Getty led us in singing some of the great hymns of the past and present. There is just something awe-inspiring hearing 8,400 women singing “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” I hope this is a taste of what heaven will be like.

Many who came to the booth had been or were planning to come to the Creation Museum. There were so many great stories from people telling us how the Creation Museum and Answers in Genesis had been influential in their lives.

Shortly after I got there Thursday, a young woman came to the booth and told me that AiG was instrumental in answering many of her questions after she became a Christian several years ago. She expressed that she wasn't sure where her faith would be if she hadn't received those answers.

On Saturday morning a woman who works with inner-city teen girls said she had promised to take the group to Cedar Point (an amusement park in Ohio) if they completed a Bible study they were working on. The girls told her they didn't want to go to Cedar Point, they wanted to come to the Creation Museum! She said they thoroughly enjoyed their day and even had the opportunity to hear me speak. Since they don’t receive biblical instruction at home, she expressed how meaningful the day at the museum was to them.

A father of two young men said he brought his sons up on Answers in Genesis resources and stated the important foundation it provided for them. He said they were well-grounded in their faith and serving the Lord.

An older woman told me she had brought two of her grandchildren to the museum. They heard me speak and were blown away by hearing a creation scientist. She said that she was thankful for such good role models for them and hopes to bring her other 29 grandchildren soon.

One woman told me about her daughter who had just received a diagnosis of cancer. She was asking me if our book How Could A Loving God...? would be helpful to her daughter. Her daughter had walked away from her faith several years ago. I told her that the question of death and suffering and a good God is one that many people ask and need biblical answers to beginning in Genesis. I encouraged her to get the book and pray the Lord will use it to bring this young woman back to Himself in this time of crisis.

And that is just a small sample of similar stories we heard throughout the conference!

We gave away 800 Kids Answers inserts from Answers Magazine and many other pamphlets telling people about AiG and the Creation Museum. The women also loved the resources we brought to sell—especially the children’s books and DVDs on dinosaurs. I had brought double the amount of these resources from the previous time and still sold out with people asking for more! So many women told me that their children were asking questions about dinosaurs and they just didn't know how to answer them in relation to the Bible. I pray these resources will equip them to give biblically-based answers to help their children know that God’s Word is true from the very first verse.

Although the True Woman conference is over, I encourage you to take advantage of another opportunity to attend a fantastic conference for women. The annual Answers for Women conference will take place April 17–18, 2015 with the topic “Embrace: Compassionate Answers in a Fallen World.” Check out the website for more information and to register (Remember: Spouses and children get free admission to the Creation Museum). Christmas is coming, and this would make an inspiring gift for any woman!

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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