Answers for Women 2014: Women of the Word

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on March 27, 2014

It’s been exciting over the last few months to see registrations for this year’s Answers for Women conference pour in. I praise God for the over 300 women (and that number continues to grow!) that will be coming to the Creation Museum May 2–3 to learn more about what God’s Word has to say about women.

This year’s theme is “After Eve: The Bible and Women.” All women are painfully aware that we live in a fallen world and the culture bombards us with many lies about our roles and value as women. Two of our returning speakers, Mary Mohler and Dr. Joy Fagan, will specifically address these topics and the importance of being women of the Word and living our lives as God’s image bearers.

Mission Possible: Living as Women of the Word—Mary Mohler

Don’t listen to the skeptics who claim that the Bible demeans women on the one hand and sets up an impossible standard on the other. The Lord has graciously given us unchanging directives and examples in His infallible Word that will serve to guide us as we navigate the changing waters of life. Let’s look at some key passages and glean wisdom for the living of these days and for the discipling of women in our spheres of influence.

Maximizing Our Value: Helping Women Redeem the Time—Dr. Joy Fagan

The various roles women play in a variety of community contexts are deeply rooted in our identity as women. God has wired women in unique ways, and He has wired each individual woman differently as well. How can we maximize our unique strengths as women and as individuals to create maximum impact and influence in the variety of community contexts in which He has placed us? How do we create room for the various seasons and contexts of our lives to implement our diverse strengths while functioning in powerful, unifying, life-giving community?

You won’t want to miss this conference that will both encourage and equip you! Register here and don’t forget free admission to the Creation Museum is included for spouses and children.

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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