Are You Coming? Answers for Women Conference 2013

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on January 16, 2013

Since coming to Answers in Genesis, I have been deeply burdened to teach and equip women to defend God’s Word effectively. I knew all too well the problems with many Christian women’s conferences and resources. What they serve is kind of like cotton candy—it looks pretty and tastes sweet but is ultimately nothing more than puffed-up sugar that is short-lived in its effect and not ultimately filling or satisfying. The reason is that many times the speaking is not grounded in the Word of God; it’s just a bunch of personal “stories” and motivational speaking.

Further evidence of this is seen in an article titled “Why We Don’t Need Women’s Ministry.” The author, Sarah Bessey, commented as follows:

We’re choking on cutesy things and crafty bits, safe lady topics . . . We are hungry for authenticity and vulnerability . . . Some of us are drowning, suffocating, dying of thirst for want of the cold water of real community.

I would love to wrestle with some questions that don’t have a one-paragraph answer in your study guide. I would like to do a Bible study that does not have pink or flowers on the cover.

We want to give and serve and make a difference. We want to be challenged. We want to read books and talk politics, theology, and current events. We want to wrestle through our theology.1

I concur! Many times I have had women come up to me—after I have given my women’s presentations—and say, “I almost didn’t come today.” They then explain how they are sick and tired of going to women’s conferences that only present a superficial treatment of God’s Word, if the Bible is discussed at all.

Don’t despair—Answers for Women conferences are here! I think an appropriate byline for the conference should be “not your typical Christian women’s conference.” We will be delving deeply into God’s Word! Last year it was thrilling to host the first-ever Answers for Women conference at the Creation Museum. I was very encouraged by the feedback we received from this attendee:

So much new information that gives me more confidence in Scripture and make me love Jesus more! Please, please do this conference again. The quality of the conference is far better than any conference I’ve ever attended—very theologically sound and saturated in the proper understanding of Scripture. This is greatly needed for women in the church today. THANK YOU for helping me grow in Christ and the defense of His Word. You’ve better equipped me to homeschool and disciple my children and love my husband! I’ll be back next year with more women from my church, Lord willing.

We’ve changed the format a bit this year to make the conference accessible to more women. The conference will begin on a Friday evening (there will also be a special preconference session) and end by 3:00 on Saturday. This will also give you time to visit the Creation Museum. As we did with last year’s conference, the registration cost includes free admission to the Creation Museum for you and your immediate family. This allows you to enjoy the conference knowing the rest of the family is being educated and entertained nearby.

In the coming weeks I will share more details about the speakers and their topics. You won’t want to miss out!

Be sure to visit for more details.

Who: You!

What: Answers for Women Conference

When: May 3–4, 2013

Where: Creation Museum (near Cincinnati, Ohio)

Why: You love God and His Word!

How: Any way you can

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


  1. Sarah Bessey, “Why We Don’t Need “Women’s” Ministry,” See all footnotes


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