Revived and Refreshed

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on November 8, 2011

Last weekend I had the opportunity to be an exhibitor for AiG at the Revive Our Hearts conference in Indianapolis for women’s ministry leaders and pastor’s wives. I was an exhibitor at two of their True Woman conferences last year, and every time it has been a real blessing. Fernando Ortega led the praise time, and it was awesome to hear 1,000 women singing the great hymns of the past. They are so rich in theology. At one point while we were singing “Holy, Holy, Holy” I thought Ortega had stopped playing the piano but it was actually just that the women were singing so loudly it was drowning out the piano!

I had many good interactions at the booth. We had a great spot in the resource room, and I was able to position our Creation Museum banner so that it was one of the first things the women saw when they walked into the room! One woman told me that her son, who was very active in his faith as a child and teen, was now compromising on Genesis. He attends a secular university and is majoring in biology and believes that science has disproved creation and a young earth. She was very frustrated because she didn’t know much about science and didn’t want to argue with him. But at the same time she loves him and wants to put good resources into his hands to help him see the problems with compromise. I suggested Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome and the Ultimate Proof of Creation. It seems like I have this type of interaction at least several times a month—so many young people are “already gone.” I pray that God will use these resources to lead him to the truth of His Word.

Another woman told me that she was physically unable to continue homeschooling her children and had recently put them in a local Christian school. To her shock and concern her daughter came home from school one day and reported that they were learning about millions of years as truth. I shared with her some of the findings of Already Compromised (and gave her a copy of the book). I discussed with her the compromise that is occurring—not just in Christian colleges, but also in Christian schools of all levels and even in homeschool curriculum. These places are supposed to be building our child’s faith, and instead they are tearing it down. I’m thankful for mothers like her who are doing their best to equip and train their children to give answers in the world of compromise that is occurring even within Christianity.

One phrase from the weekend that really stuck with me was, “What am I believing God for that only God can do?” For me one answer to that question is the Answers for Women ministry. I really want to see it expand with more conferences and resources so that more women can be reached with the message of biblical authority. I have been amazed as God has opened doors for AiG in this area of ministry, and I am fervently praying for more opportunities. The women who visited the booth this weekend made it clear that they have questions and they are hungry for answers. Please pray with me that God will use AiG's Answers for Women to reach women with the truth of His Word.

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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