Surprised by VBS

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on April 27, 2010

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will likely remember that I attended the True Woman 2010 conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee, last month. Answers in Genesis had a booth at the conference and we were able to introduce many people to our ministry. We had a drawing for several prize packages including The Egypt File Super Starter Kit. We mailed the kit to the winner upon our return, and the other day I was surprised and happy to receive an email from the winner, Beth P., in Tennessee. Here is what she shared with me:

A box was left on my door step the other day that kept my family guessing. No one had ordered anything, what could it be? Since it was addressed to me, I had the privilege of opening the box. I was so surprised to find out that I had won your VBS gift pack from the True Woman Conference. I think I remember filling out the slip and saying to you, "I never win anything!" That statement just went out the window. Thank you so much for the VBS pack stocked full of good things! I am excited to share it with our children's leader. (I already showed it to my pastor/husband and he really liked it). Most of all, we thank you and all the wonderful people at Answers In Genesis for taking a stand on God's Word and proclaiming it as you do. We recently saw Ken Ham on the TV news concerning the professor from the Orlando Seminary who has agreed with evolution. Ken is so clear in his statements and doesn't back down. Praise the Lord for Ken and all of you there. We hope to visit you some time, maybe this summer, Lord willing. Thank you again for my surprise package!

I pray that Beth’s church and many others will be blessed by using our VBS curriculum this year. Don’t forget that AiG will also have a booth at the True Woman 2010 conference in Indianapolis later this year. I hope you will be able to join us.


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