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What the March 13–14, 2025, Total Lunar Eclipse Revealed
Join Me in Red River on April 11!
There will be a total lunar eclipse overnight Thursday–Friday, March 13–14, 2025.
A recent extensive search for alien radio transmissions resulted in, well, nothing.
How should we think about asteroids and the return of Christ?
Looking back at the astronomical events of last year and forward to next year’s predicted events.
Capturing a stunning astronomical event on camera.
A solar flare caused northern lights visible in Kentucky.
It’s hard to believe that the total solar eclipse was six months ago. Since then, I’ve watched the sun pass through full phase back to new phase (the only time a solar eclipse can happen) six times.
Do time zones prove the earth is flat?
Discovering an arch during a recent Arizona trip, and an opportunity to visit Red River Gorge
The evolutionary agenda behind looking for water on other planets.
Former atheist regrets mocking Christianity.
How does the earth’s shape relate to the origin of the universe, the earth, life, and man?
Reporting on the April 8 total eclipse
A spectacular event that will not happen in North America again for 20 years.
The beauty of solar eclipses bears witness to the Creator.
What is a recurrent nova, and why do astronomers think that it might erupt this year?
What is a total eclipse like?
Examining a new flat-earth denial of reality.
A little planning can enhance your eclipse viewing experience!
Plan ahead to maximize your total solar eclipse viewing experience.
God’s Clear Design of Seasons and a Planet Fit for Life
Some “myths” actually contain memories.
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