Reach and Equip Families Through VBS

by Amber Pike February 19, 2025

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Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:4–9, emphasis added.)
VBS provides opportunities to reach and resource families.

Mom and Dad must be the primary people discipling their children, not the church. The church absolutely has a role in a child’s faith journey, but the parents are primarily responsible for teaching their children to love and follow Jesus.

Are you wondering what this has to do with vacation Bible school?

VBS provides opportunities to reach and resource families.

Reach Families Through VBS

Kids can’t bring themselves to VBS, which means you’ll have opportunities to reach and interact with parents. Whether it’s families that are new or visiting, families from your church you haven’t seen for a while, or weekly regulars, be intentional in connecting with parents.

  • Have greeters at drop-off and pick-up stations tasked with connecting with parents, not just saying “hi” and “bye” to kids.
  • Attempt to share with parents awesome things that their child did throughout the day. Send home a daily summary (see the Caretaker Handbook in the Director—Forms section of the Resource Download). The student guides (link to them in the store) provide a daily summary and encourage kids to interact with the content at home.
  • Use email to correspond with parents before, during, and after VBS.
  • While we tend to be good about inviting kids to future events and activities at church, use this opportunity to share great faith-growing opportunities for adults with the parents (small groups, marriage events, parents’ night out, finance courses, etc.).
  • Invite families back for a special family event—whether it’s VBS family night, a back-to-school bash, or a family event like nerf and nachos.

Equip Families Through VBS

Moms and dads are called to disciple, both informally (as they go about their day) and formally (family Bible study). VBS is a great way to equip parents with some great tools they can use to disciple their families.

  • Let parents know they can stream the VBS music at home. Encourage them to listen to theme songs and memory verse songs.
  • The Exploring God’s Word booklets are a great discipleship tool that ties into the lessons kids just learned at VBS.
  • Connect families with your church’s Facebook page and provide them with at-home discipleship ideas.
  • If you have a family resource wall or bookshelf, stock it for VBS and encourage families to take items.
  • Consider what portion of your budget can be allocated to providing take-home resources for families.

When you are equipping families, ask three questions before purchasing or sending home an item.

  1. Is this item biblical? (Always look through every single page! Just because it’s labeled “Christian” doesn’t mean it stands on the authority of God’s Word.)
  2. Will this item add value to families’ lives? (Parents don’t want another item on their to-do list. Send only quality items that add value and are things they want to use. Bonus points if the item creates an experience.)
  3. Does this item get families in God’s Word? (The goal is to get families in the Word together. Not all resources do this, but it is non-negotiable.)

VBS is a great and amazing week, but the discipleship opportunities can and should go much further. As you plan for VBS (this year or next), plan to reach families and equip them to fulfill their discipleship command after VBS ends.

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