Follow-Up: It Starts Before VBS Begins

by Amber Pike September 20, 2023

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For most churches, VBS is likely the largest evangelistic outreach event that happens each year. Boys and girls join your church for five unforgettable days of VBS awesomeness. Though you are likely not hosting VBS each year just to grow your church in numbers (because boys and girls hearing the message of Jesus is the ultimate goal), it is important to follow up after VBS. And good follow-up starts before VBS even begins.

When setting up your registration forms, either in the Answers VBS Digital Pro or on a paper form you’ve created yourself, there are two questions that will aid you in follow-up:

  1. Where is your church home? (Or “Are you looking for a church home?”)
  2. How did you hear about our VBS?

These questions will help you understand your attendee dynamics. Are attendees primarily churched children? Are these families plugged into a church already? Take notice of any family that notes on their registration form that they are looking for a church home. Consider adding an extra layer of follow-up for these families.

By asking attendees where they heard about your VBS, you’ll be given insight into which areas of advertising were the most successful.

By asking attendees where they heard about your VBS, you’ll be given insight into which areas of advertising were the most successful. (For example, if no family attends due to a mass mailer for three years in a row, perhaps it’s time to drop that form of advertisement.) There could also be additional opportunities for follow-up in these key areas.

In the early stages of your planning, before registrations begin to roll in, think through your plan for follow-up with kids afterward.

  • How will you invite them to your church?
  • How will you thank them for attending?
  • Will you reinforce what they have learned?
  • When will you contact them about next year’s VBS?
  • Are there any special events or services you would like to invite them to?
  • What information do you need to contact them throughout the year?
  • When will follow-up take place?

Postcards are a great follow-up tool! If you purchase the “Thanks for Coming” postcards, one of these can be sent to each family in the weeks following VBS thanking them for coming, reinforcing the theme, and inviting them to attend church. The “Happy Birthday” postcards also provide a great way to stay in touch with your kids year-round.

Some churches host a VBS Sunday or a VBS reunion (at a later date) to get families back in the building one more time.

If families were encouraged to join your church’s Facebook page during VBS (perhaps to see pictures of their kids or for a challenge or chance to win a prize), make sure to engage new (and existing) families there. Include invites for special events and services as well as engaging discipleship content. (Social media should never JUST be announcements.)

Answers VBS has “Save the Date” postcards each year that can be sent out in the months leading up to VBS, inviting previous families back again. Create a database of VBS attendees, adding to it each year, while taking off families that have aged out or have not attended in three or more years. Use this database each year to invite families via postcard. Depending on your VBS dates, do an initial save-the-date postcard 6–7 months before, with a second one (perhaps with the group picture from the previous year) 2–3 months before.

If your calendar of events and services is locked in by the end of your current VBS week, create an invitation flyer or magnet to send home with attendees at VBS. Key events like fall festivals, Christmas services, and such are great to invite visiting families to attend.

The best thing you can do for follow-up is a personal invitation.

Social media, postcards, and follow-up emails are all great. They should be part of your follow-up plan. But the best thing you can do for follow-up is a personal invitation. Make sure as you go through VBS that your team and church leaders are making connections with families. A personal connection can go a long way toward a family’s returning to not just next year’s VBS, but to your church on a regular basis.

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