Preparing for Next Year!

Get a Jump Start on VBS 2024

by Amber Pike July 3, 2023

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What do you do when VBS is over? Tear-down is a monumental task (and maybe a little bit sad). Decorations must be taken down, things have to be put away and sorted, and decisions about what to do with everything need to be made. Themed resources for the current year might be passed along to another church. But what do you do with “evergreen” resources? You reuse them—year after year!

So, what should you save from Keepers of the Kingdom to reuse next year in The Great Jungle Journey?


You might not think a jungle and medieval castles have much in common, but you would be surprised.

  • Repurpose vines and greenery as jungle vines.
  • Torches, sconces, and fires can fit in the jungle with a bit of modification. If you made black wall sconces or torches, consider repainting them with a concrete or wood grain color instead of metal. Torches and fires can light the way in your jungle journey.
  • Turn your moats into jungle rivers.
  • Add tropical flowers to medieval bushes and hedges to make them fit into the jungle.
  • Rocks fit with no modifications.
  • If you used a treasure chest (or dragon’s keep), transform it into buried jungle treasure.
  • Stone walls and castles, with a bit of creativity, could become ancient jungle ruins, while drawbridges can become docks, and fountains can become waterfalls.
  • Before taking down the plastic tablecloths that were hung as medieval drapery, think about where they can be repurposed. Blue ones can be added to water (rivers, waterfalls, and more), while green ones can be cut into strips of jungle vines.
  • When you have a large cardboard piece (like a water piece or rock wall), consider painting the backside. (Water swirls on one side and boulders on the other, or something similar).
  • Even your dragon might fit into the jungle. It’ll be a great addition to the Bible study when dinosaurs are mentioned.
  • Kids will learn about all kinds of rainforest animals, all created by God—what do you have on hand that can be reused?
  • Bonus decorations: ziggurat decor from The Incredible Race or volcanoes from Mystery Island will also be a great addition this year!
  • The stage flats you used to prop up your scene setters can be reused next year—save your frames! The scene setter panels are the same size each year (although the overall dimensions of the scenes may change).

Crafts and Science

You can get a jump start on prepping for crafts and science during VBS and tear-down.

Save the extra transparency paper (or order a bigger pack for a better deal). You’ll need it for science this year.

As you tear down the stained-glass windows you made, save the colored cellophane. You’ll need them for the science experiment on day three.

If you provide soda as a treat for your team, save the 16 oz bottles. It’ll give you a jump start on crafts; you’ll need one per child.


As you go through VBS, are you writing notes of what worked great, what didn’t work, and what needs improvement? While things are fresh on your mind, make notes! You might not remember that idea or thought when VBS prep kicks up next year. Take notes. Brainstorm ideas. And whatever you do, don’t lose your list! Use it next year as you begin planning.


Ask your volunteers (while they are still on that VBS high) if they would return next year. Have your date locked in so volunteers can block off that date and not schedule their vacation then. And while you are at it, ask them to invite someone they think will be a great blessing to next year’s program to join the team.

Start Now!

It’s never too early to start prepping for next year. Make a folder of ideas as Answers VBS releases pictures and videos. Start searching Pinterest. Scour the aisles of Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby all year for jungle-themed items—absolutely. But the single best thing you can do to get ready for next year’s VBS is to begin praying now. Pray that God will not only bless next year’s VBS but also prepare the kids that will be attending. It’s never too early.

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