Promote Your VBS: Flyers, Digital Resources, and More

by Answers VBS December 30, 2021; last featured December 29, 2021

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You’ve planned out the activities, gathered everything for crafts, learned every VBS song, and even practiced your Aussie accent! You are ready for kids to arrive this summer to learn about the value of life with Zoomerang—but how do you help them hear about it? Here are three ways to promote your VBS throughout your community:

  • Get out into the community. Have church members volunteer to go door-to-door in your local area, leaving door hangers on front doors and, if possible, chatting with people about the free summer program their children or grandchildren will love. We also have VBS flyers available for hanging in your church and in local businesses or “save the date” postcards for mailing.
  • Use social media. Consider paying for some targeted ads to those who live in your geographical area. Our digital resources, such as social media graphics and clip art, make creating digital ads easy.
  • Host an “Aussie Fun Night.” We provide tips in the leader’s guide for hosting a fun Aussie-themed night for families. Invite local families—and encourage children to invite their friends—for a taste of what’s to come with a week of Aussie excitement. Make sure you have an outdoor banner set up when guests arrive to everyone knows there’s more to come.

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