5 Practical Tips for VBS Directors

by Answers VBS April 23, 2019

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So, you’ve agreed to be the director for this year’s VBS. Taking on this role is a big responsibility, and it may feel a little bit overwhelming, especially if this is your first year in the role. Directing your VBS program is also such a privilege as you orchestrate opportunities to share the gospel with the kids the Lord brings your way. And we have some tips to help you launch a successful VBS that you will look back on with a sense of accomplishment and joy.

  1. Don’t overextend yourself. You’re the director, a demanding and challenging role on its own. Avoid taking on any teaching or other leadership roles during the week of VBS so you can be available to greet, troubleshoot, encourage, and, well, direct!
  2. Delegate. Now, everyone isn’t going to do things the way you would, and that’s okay. Allow others the joy of serving, even if it means everything doesn’t happen exactly the way you’d wish.
  3. Read all the guides thoroughly. This will help you know what everyone should be doing. Also, take advantage of our digital resources, which contain clip art, logos, printable and customizable forms, and more. Be familiar with all the print and digital content to get an idea of how the VBS should flow and best and easiest practices for decorating, registering students, etc.
  4. Pray. Ask the Lord to give you wisdom and produce in you the fruits of his Spirit. Pray for the children who will attend and for your workers. Keep a list of answered prayers and praises. In the busyness of the week, you may end up forgetting some of them, but these are a huge encouragement to everyone (including yourself!) who has dedicated so much time and energy to VBS week.
  5. Communicate. Be sure to communicate often and thoroughly with your team. Require attendance at training workshops, send emails, and frequently update everyone on what’s happening. Carry a cell phone or walkie-talkie with you during VBS week so you can be quickly and easily reached no matter where you are in the building. Communication is key!

Thank you for being willing to direct VBS. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it’s a job that reaps eternal rewards as you and your team pour into the lives of children, some of whom might be hearing the gospel for the first time. Keep up the good work—your labor for the Lord is not in vain!

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