As a VBS director, leader, or volunteer, when was the last time you stopped and earnestly prayed for your VBS team and the children who will be attending your program this summer? If it’s been a while, why not take time today to come before the Lord and ask him to use the preaching of his Word to work in the hearts and minds of the children and others who will be attending your VBS? But don’t let prayer stop with you—get others involved!
Don’t let prayer stop with you—get others involved!
Here are 5 tips for cultivating a vibrant VBS prayer ministry (more tips can be found on page 24 of The Incredible Race Director’s Guide):
- Ask people to pray. It’s as simple as that to get started. But don’t just give a quick presentation before the church and say “please be praying for this,” as most people will not remember to do so. Intentionally approach specific people, or ask that those who are interested in praying approach you, and ask them to commit to specifically pray for the VBS. Then be sure to send them regular updates with specific prayer requests including children and/or leaders who need prayer.
- Encourage leaders to pray. Providing specific prayer requests is a great way to encourage people to pray. Consider having each leader draw the name of another leader to pray for and ask leaders to pray through their VBS class list before each day of VBS and periodically after the VBS ends.
- Hold a dedication service. The Sunday before the VBS kicks-off, ask the pastoral staff to include a special time of prayer for the VBS.
- Pass out “Praying for You” prayer cards to church members who have promised to pray for the children attending the VBS. Have them write a quick note of encouragement to the child, then collect the cards and have church staff mail them the week before VBS starts, so the kids who are coming know you’re already thinking of and praying for them.
- Don’t let prayer end when VBS does! Encourage leaders and your church family to continue praying by name for the children who attended.
Ministering to children through VBS is a work of the Lord, and it is vital that we seek him through prayer as we put together our VBS programs. So, be sure to carve out time to thank the Lord for the children he has brought to you and ask him to bring growth to the seeds he has used you to so carefully plant and water.