Gold Rush VBS Day 4: Believe Jesus
He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Matthew 28:6
Imagine following the political career of a most unusual man for several years. He was said to be the one for whom the people had waited. The one who would save the people from the persecution suffered for hundreds of years.
He was certainly different from anyone who had come before. He taught with such authority and knew the holy scriptures so thoroughly, it was no wonder many were attracted to him. His power was undeniable—he had healed your friend from a bleeding problem that no doctor had been able to help with and had made the evil spirits tormenting you go away.
One of the more significant differences was his lifestyle—he seemed to live a blameless life. Even his mother, a friend of yours, claimed he was an obedient child who cared for others. It was difficult to imagine any man as the personification of perfection, but if there was one, he would be it.
Imagine your grief and despair when he died and especially at the way in which he died—a horrible death reserved for the worst of criminals. Indeed, he was hung on a tree between two thieves. The strange thing about this man was that he had seemed to hint that his death was near. But why? Why would the one God sent need to die? Didn’t he come to bring life and freedom?
Now imagine that heart-stopping moment when you went to honor his memory and the man at the tomb said, “He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.” Imagine the momentary panic at the missing body. Rise again . . . did he say he would rise from the dead? His body isn’t there . . . is it possible he’s really alive? He’s alive!
Imagine seeing the risen Savior.
As you study the chapters pertaining to Christ’s death and resurrection, meditate on the gravity of what our sin brought about—the death of the Creator of the universe. And rejoice in His resurrection that secured eternal life for you!
As you share with the children today, make sure they know that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is anchored in history. He really died, and He really rose again. And He was seen by hundreds of witnesses after His resurrection. And make sure they know that they can receive the eternal life He offers to those who believe.
May we pray as the Puritans did:
Blessed Lord Jesus,
Before thy cross I kneel and see the heinousness of
my sin, my iniquity that caused thee to be “made
a curse,” the evil that excited the severity of divine
Show me the enormity of my guilt by the crown
of thorns, the pierced hands and feet, the bruised
body, the dying cries.
Thy blood is the blood of incarnate God, its worth
infinite, its value beyond all thought.
Infinite must be the evil and guilt that demands
such a price.
Yet thy compassions yearn over me, thy heart
hastens to my rescue, thy love endured my curse,
thy mercy bore my deserved stripes.
Let me walk humbly in the lowest depths of
humiliation, bathed in thy blood, triumphing
gloriously as an heir of salvation.
—Arthur Bennet, The Valley of Vision (The Banner of Truth Trust: 2005), p. 41.
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