An Urgent Need . . . to Transform Our Nation’s Culture!

Picture the impact of 500,000 copies of Luke’s Gospel arriving in Australian homes like yours . . . and helping thousands to discover God’s truth!

Your support today will help in sharing the gospel with thousands of families in neighbourhoods like yours, as you help . . .

  • Print 500,000 Gospels to place the gospel directly into the hands and hearts of thousands across Australia.
  • Recruit and train volunteer coordinators to mobilise thousands of volunteers to join the grassroots movement to share the gospel.
  • Build an “Answers Army”: a group of ordinary Australians doing simple things to promote the gospel everywhere through initiatives just like this one.

Thank you for your generous gift today to give thousands of families like yours a fresh opportunity to discover the life-changing truth of the gospel . . . and for making a lasting impact on Australian society.

It’s a big, bold undertaking . . . and it’s made possible by friends like you! Thank you!

If you would like to donate by EFT, email us at for bank details.

Donations to Answers in Genesis Ltd. are not tax-deductible.
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