Bye-bye, missing link; evolution on a crash course; the final proof?; and more!
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Evolutionists aren’t yet sure if they should call it a human ancestor, but one thing they do know is that “Ardi” does away with the idea of a “missing link.”
Evolution is a one-way street, new research confirms. So can it go only forward, or only backward?
It’s the “final proof” that dinosaurs evolved into birds, say scientists.
“Exceptionally well preserved” fossils discovered in China purportedly show feathered dinosaurs from more than 150 million years ago, making them older than alleged dino-bird Archaeopteryx.
For all its size and strength, one mighty T. rex may have ultimately succumbed to a minuscule parasite.
The astonishing navigational abilities of the monarch butterfly seem all the more astonishing in the light of new research.
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