Readers Respond to Answers, September - December 2008

on January 1, 2009
Featured in Answers Magazine

Kids Answers—A Platform for Biblical Truth

I wanted to share the impact your Kids Answers magazine ministry is having. My son’s third-grade teacher was reading a book about apples. In the book the teacher said, “Scientists contend that apples have been around about 2 million years.” After she finished reading the book, my son raised his hand and politely told his teacher that the book that she just read had an error in it. Intriguingly, the teacher asked what the error was. My son replied that the world was only about 6,000 years old so apples could not have been around for 2 million years. This provided a platform for the teacher to respectfully explain [to the other students] the differences between scientific theories of the earth’s age and creationist beliefs. The boldness of this child equipped by your ministry allowed his classmates to hear biblical truth.

Shari H., Brandon, Mississippi

Home Page Makeover

I thoroughly enjoyed browsing the new Answers magazine website (www.Answers Very up-to-date and intuitive for finding the material I want to read. Thanks for the update!

Harrison F., Pittsburg, California

Antidote to Leakey’s Legacy

The latest issue (October–December 2008) is probably the best issue yet. The “big picture” of earth’s history put everything into proper perspective, and although I’ve been a six-day creationist all of my life, this issue caused me to think about some events in earth’s history and their subsequent results in a slightly different way.

Here in Kenya where I live and minister and where the Leakey family is idolized as heroes for unearthing what is claimed to be the ancestors of modern man, people need to hear the message of this latest issue. . . . This issue is must reading for people here in Kenya and for our friends back home in the States.

Roger T., Missionary to Kitale, Kenya

Making Sense of Earth’s Past

Kurt Wise hit a home run with his floating forest community article. I immediately dug out some of my evolutionary books describing the Devonian and Cambrian Periods and Kurt’s article suddenly made a whole lot more sense than years of evolutionary reading.

As a biologist for the state of Wisconsin, I’d really like to see more articles regarding the whole series of “exotic” ecological communities described in Wise’s article, e.g., hot water reefs. . . . I especially liked that the whole issue was centered around putting a framework to the creation model in comparison to the evolutionary model.

Gary B., Stoughton, Wisconsin

“Predictions” in the Nick of Time

I just wanted to comment that my husband is teaching at a Christian school this year. They are having a creation seminar this coming weekend. We had just received the current Answers magazine with the “Successful Predictions” insert. He is going to share one of them each day this week leading up to their seminar. This came at a great time for us.

Beth B., Cape Coral, Florida

Answers Accepts Evolution?

A reader expressed concern that we might be promoting horse “evolution” in the last issue’s article, “Horse Fossils and the Nature of Science”.

Editor’s Response: We would like to reassure you that the magazine hasn’t joined the “other side” and begun promoting evolution over millions of years. Creationists, for the most part, have always taught that a spurt of speciation occurred during the few centuries after the Flood (see The Genesis Flood, 1961, pp. 66–68, and “The Microwave of Evolution” in Acts & Facts, August 2001, The land animals that survived the Flood on Noah’s Ark quickly diversified and filled the earth.

In the case of horses, camels, etc., dozens or even hundreds of species proliferated after the Flood, but only a handful remain alive today. (The Institute for Creation Research just published an article [] that reiterates the fact that “most” of the horses in the so-called evolutionary “horse series”—e.g., Mesohippus, Merychippus, Pliohippus, Neohipparion, etc.—“could possibly be true variants of the horse.”) These are just a few of the horse species that apparently roamed the earth soon after the Flood and then went extinct.

Creationists consider extinct mammal species to be varieties within the original created “kinds”—in spite of all their diversity, horses are still horses, dogs are still dogs, etc. These species point to a wise Designer—the Creator of the universe— who made the original, separate kinds in six literal days and put within them the ability to diversify rapidly.

The process of speciation, which we still observe today, has nothing to do with evolution from a common ancestor over millions of years. (As we say about species on page 70 of the issue, “The information must have been there, all there, right from the start.”) Every article in the current issue elaborates on this topic, though Creation’s Hidden Potential and The Discontinuity of Life directly show the unbridgeable gap between creation and evolution.

We hope you are excited about the things we’re learning about the Creator’s awesome designs.

Answers Magazine

January – March 2009

2009 is “the year of Darwin”— the 200th anniversary of his birth and the 150th anniversary of The Origin of Species. Learn what drove this man to develop his controversial belief system and read leading creationists as they share what we’ve discovered after 150 years of analyzing Darwin’s “dangerous idea.”

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