‘Nothing Else Has Impacted My Life More’

on July 18, 2003
Featured in Feedback

“Next to being Saved and taking a Discipleship class at my church, nothing else has impacted my life more for God's kingdom than your AIG ministry.”

Dear AIG:

Just a short note to say "Thank You" to Ken Ham and the AIG staff.
Next to being Saved and taking a Discipleship class at my church,
nothing else has impacted my life more for God's kingdom than your AIG ministry.

Attending a seminar here in Chambersburg, PA several years ago, the
Lord laid on my heart just how important the first 11 chapters of
Genesis truly are in believing God's word (the Bible). I've been
teaching the Youth group at my church for three years and use AIG's
material and resources all the time.

Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing Ken and the
Creation crew in York, PA for an AIG conference this coming October.



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