Equipping the Saints

on October 3, 2003
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“I am grateful to Ken Ham ..... for he is equipping the Saints to be able to 'Give an Answer.' A deeper meaning to the gospel opened up to me as a result of this ministry.”

Several years ago I first came into contact with Ken Ham and his ministry through the 'Stealing the Minds of America' Conference in Vail, Colorado. I live here. (I live in Gypsum… another smaller mountain town a little further down from Vail. But I work predominately in Vail Valley.)

When I first heard Ken teach… I was blown away. At first I was… my mind was 'offended.' I had never heard of such a thing as a 'young earth.' I thought…"What in the heck is he talking about?" Billions amd Millions of years was 'engrained' in my mind. But… that week-end I listened to everything Ken was saying. What facinated me was his scientific backing. My thinking finally gave way…as my mind was renewed. Something happened on a deeper level inside of me … spiritually. Even the word of God… took on a deeper relevance.

Ken writes; " Since most churches are lacking in the teaching of apologetics, particularly in regard to the Book of Genesis, most believers in the church are not 'ready always to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope in you' (1 Peter 3:15).

I am grateful to Ken Ham ….. for he is equipping the Saints to be able to 'Give an Answer.' A deeper meaning to the gospel opened up to me as a result of this ministry.

In Christ,



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