Defending the Faith

on August 8, 2003
Featured in Feedback

“I have read numerous articles on this site in the past, and this one, like all others, is just wondeful to read.”

I admit that I am not a biblical expert, very far from it- I'm not even currently a member of a church, but I plan on becoming one. I can, however, use my own reasoning and common sense to see that your article about Bishop Spong is very well written, researched, and clearly credible. I just wanted to take a second to thank you for it. I saw an advertisement on [link deleted per feedback rules] (I believe that's where I saw it) on Spong's site, and checked it out. I was shocked to see him saying that the bible basically condones homosexuality and morality comes, not from the bible, but from society. I couldn't imagine someone saying that and claiming to be a Christian, so I searched the web and found this artile. I have read numerous articles on this site in the past, and this one, like all others, is just wondeful to read. It helped explain a lot, and it really helps in one's own defense of the faith. Thanks so much for this article and the site as a whole.

J. B.,


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