Will You Join Us in Defending Home Education?

Placeholder mockup of the Open Letter
“Our children, not yours”

Update 19 April: The Queensland Government has just confirmed in a Committee Report that it is set on restricting parents’ right to home educate their own children.

You may be aware that federal and state governments have recently been planning to effectively end Christian schools as we know them, so this additional attack on home education isn’t a surprise. The government always wants to increase their control over your children, to decide what they should learn, how it should be taught, and where it should happen.

But here’s the truth—your children do not belong to the government. This is a truth that must be upheld at all costs.

The government may offer education services, but a child’s parents are always their first and primary educators. Therefore, families have a right to home education because it is ultimately their responsibility, not the government’s.

It is not a privilege to be begged for, but a right to be respected.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights requires governments “to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.”

The Queensland Government re-asserted on 19 April, despite public outcry, that it intends to limit home education to circumstances where the government agrees it’s “in the best interests of the child.”

This subjective language allows the government to decide whether parental rights will be respected. That is fundamentally wrong.

Home education is a right, not a privilege.

The government does not own your children. You do, under God.

That is why Answers in Genesis has made this submission to the parliamentary inquiry opposing these changes.

Will you join us by adding your name to this open letter to state and territory governments around Australia?

It’s time to act, to protect parental rights for the future.

Preview of the Open Letter:

Dear [State/Territory Education Minister],

Thank you for the work you do to make Australia a better place.

I wish to ask you to defend the rights of parents to choose how to educate their own children. This is a basic right, not a privilege.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights requires governments “to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.”

In particular, I ask you not to impose restrictions on home education but to ensure that it remains freely accessible to all families who believe it is best for their children.

Thank you for attending to this request.


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