Millionth Visitor to Creation Museum Expected Monday

Answers in Genesis to Welcome Guest with Prizes and Photo-Opp

on April 23, 2010

Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a news release that was recently distributed to the media.


With its third anniversary still over a month away, the world-renown Creation Museum anticipates welcoming its millionth visitor on Monday. Answers in Genesis, the ministry behind the museum, has planned a celebration and large gift package for the special guest, and has scheduled a photo-opp and meet-and-greet with Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis president and co-founder.


Monday, April 26, 2010 (expected in the morning)


The Creation Museum
2800 Bullittsburg Church Rd., Petersburg, KY 41080
(Located two exits west of the Cincinnati Airport; exit 11 off I-275)


Opened to the public on May 28, 2007, attendance ran so strong the first summer that the Creation Museum saw 250,000 guests by October – a number it hadn’t expected to see until the end of the first year. Despite a struggling economy, museum attendance has remained above 300,000 visitors a year, reaching the one millionth visitor milestone in less than three years.

In addition to the high-tech Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, a biblical apologetics ministry, includes among its outreaches more than 250 teaching meetings each year, an award-winning website, and the Answers with Ken Ham radio program heard on more than 800 stations throughout the United States.


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