Why Scientists CANNOT Agree on This Animal’s Age
Creationists and evolutionists disagree about cave lion ice mummy evidence; Canadian pastor defends congregation from LGBTQIA+ intolerance; London...
Creationists and evolutionists disagree about cave lion ice mummy evidence; Canadian pastor defends congregation from LGBTQIA+ intolerance; London police arrest American street preacher . . . and other stories reviewed during this August 16, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
“The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.” Proverbs 18:17
The Siberian Simba: Perfectly preserved cave lion cub found frozen in Siberia confirmed to be a female that died 28,000 years ago
‘You can’t pray the gay away’: Threats of violence made, protest held over beliefs of new church in Kelowna
‘Be prepared for persecution,’ American Evangelist warns following arrest for preaching against homosexuality in London
The extinct species within
‘Ignore Roe’ Billboard in Texas removed after one day because of Death Threats
1,000-Year-Old remains may be of a highly respected nonbinary warrior, study finds
Photo by: Centre for Palaeogenetics, palaeogenetics.com