Unlocking Science / Official Clip / Focusing on Concentration
What is concentration? What is the concentration of water vapor in the air called? How does solute, solvent, and dilution affect concentration?
What is concentration? What is the concentration of water vapor in the air called? How does solute, solvent, and dilution affect concentration?
In this episode, Mr. P and Naleah discuss concentration. Many products we use every day are concentrated to help to reduce the waste in landfills, but there are also other types of concentration. Learn what solute, solvent, and dilution are and how they can affect concentration.
In the experiment, learn about dilution and what makes something dissolve. Mr. P also has a fun concentration experiment making an iodine clock.
In Genesis 1:26, God gave man dominion over the earth and reducing waste is part of being a good steward of Gods’ creation.