Dec 11, 2023

Evolutionists’ Beliefs SHATTERED by New Theory

There’s a new theory in the world of evolution, and it SHATTERS their previous beliefs. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Tim Chaffey, R... There’s a new theory in the world of evolution, and it SHATTERS their previous beliefs. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Tim Chaffey, Roger Patterson, and Avery Foley share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.

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“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1 ESV)

0:00 - New paper argues that the Universe began with two Big Bangs

6:56 - Dinosaurs Might Be The Reason We're Not Living to 200 Years Old
The longevity bottleneck hypothesis: Could dinosaurs have shaped ageing in present-day mammals?

11:33 - Millions of years before the earliest birds appeared, mystery animals walked around on birdlike feet, study finds

15:24 - Study falsely claims homosexual surrogacy not harmful to children

22:27 - Bloc Quebecois table bill preventing religion as a defence for hate speech

27:49 - Canadian government agency declares that Christmas is racist, rooted in ‘colonialism’

31:00 - Brought up in a creationist home, a scientist fights for evolution