7 Sunday School Teachers Told Us What They Think About ABC

by Avery Foley on January 25, 2019

Answers Bible Curriculum is a four-year Sunday School curriculum that teaches through the Bible chronologically, focusing on the overall themes of Scripture, apologetics, and biblical authority. But that description doesn’t even begin to fully capture what ABC is. And who better to describe ABC than those who actually use it every week in their churches and homes?

So what is ABC? Here are several testimonials from teachers (They have been edited slightly for clarity).

It's Practical

Answers [Bible Curriculum] truly is a complete package for teaching the truths of the Bible in lessons that are simple to prepare for each week. I like how the age-appropriate songs and activities keep children engaged and I especially love all the different activities for helping children learn and remember the memory verses.

It's Meaty

ABC emphasizes the foundation of the Bible, give students important doctrinal lessons such as the Trinity, hermeneutics, the inerrancy of scripture, Christology, and most importantly a clear gospel presentation built into each lesson.

It's Equipping

[ABC] teaches truth and helps the children to be able to understand the Bible and be able to tell others about the truth of God’s word! I, as a teacher, have also benefited much from it!

It’s Faith-Building

ABC has shed light on many questions my students have had. I have also learned things from this material that I had not thought of before. All lessons are explained in detail and key points are repeated throughout the lesson to ensure understanding.

It’s for the Whole Family

This Bible-based curriculum has truly brought many of our families together. It allows all ages to learn the same content on Sunday morning which translates into conversations for the family at home throughout the rest of the week. Also, the lessons bring the need to defend and share our faith into sharp focus.

It’s for the Whole Church

Last fall my wife started teaching [ABC] in the children’s area, grades 1-6. I started in the adult class that I teach. Word got around and the other adult class started using ABC and now the College and Careers group is using it…I want you to know that I believe this is the best Sunday School material I have ever seen.

It Teaches the Teachers

A children’s Sunday School teacher of 20 years told me after using ABC for a quarter that they were challenged by the material and have been learning as much as their students. He also was super impressed that kids were finally learning to think about their faith and not just listening to stories.

So what is ABC? It’s the Sunday School curriculum you need to revolutionize your Sunday School program! Over 10,000 churches are using it and we’re thankful to the Lord that it’s making a huge impact within these churches. I encourage you to try a month of lessons for free at AnswersBibleCurriculum.com.

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