Behind the Scenes: A Look Back at God’s Faithfulness

God’s working through the years

on July 12, 2007
Featured in Answers Magazine

“All honor and praise for this project goes to the Creator God of the Bible, whose miraculous hand made the impossible possible.”
Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis—USA


As AiG began to design the Creation Museum, the leadership team made many adjustments and changes. One of the biggest was the museum’s size and, therefore, its cost. The cost for the original plans reached $9 million, only one-third of the present museum’s cost. As God opened doors and gave the AiG leadership a broader vision of what could be done in the Creation Museum, He brought many talented people to join AiG’s staff. He also continued to bring the needed funds to build. Changes to the building’s design and cost were dramatic, but the museum’s purpose never varied—to reach the unsaved with the message of the gospel and to uphold the truth of God’s Word from the very first verse.


In 1996, Answers in Genesis sought to purchase land near Big Bone Lick State Park on which to build the Creation Museum and AiG headquarters. However, AiG was denied its request to rezone the land for the building of the museum, although the county’s planning committee voted in favor of the change. At that time, such a setback discouraged the leadership of AiG and its supporters. But soon the Lord provided another location near the Cincinnati Airport. Once again, AiG requested to rezone a piece of property on which to build the Creation Museum. After numerous committee meetings and planning commission meetings, the request went before the fiscal court and was opposed. This setback seemed as though God was, once again, shutting the door. However, AiG appealed the decision of the fiscal court. A few months after the appeal was filed, a new fiscal court was voted into office. At their suggestion AiG resubmitted its zoning request, and another public hearing was held to discuss the rezoning of the property in Petersburg. After another committee meeting and planning commission hearing, the fiscal court voted in favor of the museum. Strong opponents then appealed this decision, but AiG won the appeal and soon purchased the land. God provided the property on which He wanted the museum and AiG headquarters to be built. What a blessing—though difficult at times—to wait for His timing and provision.


When the effort to build the Creation Museum began, the leadership of AiG desired to see the museum’s building and exhibits completed debt free—a monumental task for any organization. The only way to reach such a goal was to appeal to God’s people to support the ministry. Over the years, donations have poured in, with numerous donors giving an average of $100. The charter membership program began in 2004 to provide the museum’s supporters with earthly benefits for their generosity. This program, along with special fundraisers, accounted for a good part of the museum’s funding. God’s people have supported the vision of the museum, and many of these supporters excitedly walked through the doors to see the work in which they had a part.

    Did You Know?

  • Since July 2006, more than 200 volunteers worked an average of over 1,000 man-hours per month.
  • Over 700 museum-quality fossils are part of the museum’s permanent collection.
  • The Digistar program, used in planetarium shows, lacked the great detail seen in the programs. Dr. Jason Lisle spent many hours programming each detail, as accurately as possible, including the positions of the galaxies in the universe, the appearance of stars, and the rising and setting of the stars as they would appear on Mars.
  • About a mile of nature trails wind through the museum’s property so that guests can view more than 400 different species of plants that decorate the landscape.
  • The museum plans to hold many special events, as well as numerous training sessions each year.

Ken Ham, Mark Looy, and Mike Zovath begin Creation Science Ministries with a future vision of building a creation museum. Creation Science Ministries later that year is renamed Answers in Genesis.


AiG locates land to build its headquarters about 4 miles from Big Bone Lick State Park in Northern Kentucky. Although the planning commission is in favor of AiG’s rezoning application, rezoning is opposed by the county’s fiscal court. AiG must now locate new land.


AiG locates land off I-275, exit 11, in Petersburg, Kentucky. Legal battles begin.

Ken Ham at the dedication

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Present-day land is purchased.

Dedication ceremony is held.


The local Sierra Club, concerned that the project would pollute a nearby creek, issues a complaint. Construction is pushed back for eleven months.

Donations reach $1 million

Ground-breaking ceremony for AiG headquarters and Creation Museum is conducted.

Groundbreaking ceremony

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Arial of museum property

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Construction of AiG headquarters and Creation Museum begins.

Donations reach $5 million

Museum structure

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Partially built museum

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Museum from parking lot

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2003 Framing of AiG headquarters and Creation Museum is completed.


Charter membership program to fund the Museum launched.

Offices are ready for occupation; construction on museum interior continues.

Donations reach $10 million

1,000 Charter Members

Behind the scenes event

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First Behind the Scenes event is held at the museum with around 250 charter members and guests attending.

Donations reach $20 million (April)

Donations reach $25 million (December)

5,000 Charter Members

Museum lobby with charter members

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Largest Behind the Scenes event is conducted. Close to 2,700 charter members and guests visit the museum, still under construction.

Goal of $27 million reached

Over 8,000 Charter Members

MAY 28, 2007

Grand Opening of the Creation Museum is held.

Creation Museum

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July – September 2007

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