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on October 6, 2008

The thick internal shell of a cuttlefish is called a cuttlebone. It is made of calcium carbonate and contains numerous gas- and/or water-filled chambers.



The eyes of the cuttlefish are extremely well designed. Its pupils are “w” shaped, and they can focus both forward and backward, giving the cuttlefish all around protection. When frightened or attacked, the cuttlefish releases ink that forms a dense cloud in the water column, allowing it time to escape.


  • The thick internal shell of a cuttlefish is called a cuttlebone. It is made of calcium carbonate and contains numerous gas- and/or water-filled chambers.
  • The cuttlebone enables the cuttlefish to control its bouyance in the water column.

Fun Facts

  • The cuttlefish is not a fish; it is a mollusk.
  • The cuttlefish can rapidly change its skin color to either hide from predators or communicate with other cuttlefish by means of special cells called chromatophores.
  • The cuttlefish has three hearts to pump its greenish-blue blood to its gills and body.
  • The eggs of the cuttlefish are laid in clumps and are often coated in ink by the mother, camouflaging them.

CLASS: Cephalopoda (octopuses and squids)

ORDER: Sepiida (true cuttlefishes)

FAMILY: Sepiidae (true cuttlefishes)

GENUS/SPECIES: Over 100 different species in three genera

Size: Varies depending on species

Diet: Small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks

Habitat: Shallow temperate and tropical waters near the shores

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