Daderot, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
This shrimp is known for the orange coloring along its sides and the long red stripe on its dorsal side that is bisected by a narrow, white band. It also has three pairs of white antennae.
The role of the cleaner shrimp is truly unique. Many species of fish, including some species of eels, allow the cleaner shrimp to clean parasites from inside their mouths. The cleaner shrimp is in no danger of being eaten when it enters the fishes’ mouths to clean. This symbiotic relationship is part of God’s provision for His sea-dwelling creatures.
CLASS: Malacostraca (crabs, krill, pill bugs, shrimp, and relatives)
ORDER: Decapoda
FAMILY: Hippolytidae
GENUS/SPECIES: Lysmata amboinensis
Size: About 2.4 in (6 cm)
Diet: Dead and diseased skin, bacteria, and parasites from
their “customers”
Habitat: Red Sea and tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region
This long-awaited Aquarium Guide includes beautiful pictures and reveals the incredible facts and design features that point to our amazing Creator.
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