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Make Your Own Star Ornament

on September 5, 2006

We know that the wise men brought precious gifts to Jesus to honor Him as King. Why not make a beautiful star ornament and take it to someone who doesn’t know Jesus?

Buddy Davis

Buddy Davis

Hi, I’m Buddy Davis.

I enjoy writing songs, singing, and sculpting dinosaurs. I also love looking through telescopes. Big telescopes are extra fun!

Let Your Light Shine!

We know that the wise men brought precious gifts to Jesus to honor Him as King. At Christmas we give gifts to honor those we love. Why not make a beautiful star ornament and take it to someone who doesn’t know Jesus? You can tell them that the star is to remind them of Jesus, who is the greatest gift of all—the light of the world!

Make Your Own Star Ornament!

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup water
  • ½ cup salt
  • 1 tsp. instant coffee (for color, optional)

It’s a family affair—parental supervision required! Add coffee (if you are using it) to water and mix. Add flour and salt, and mix. Knead for 5 minutes until dough reaches a smooth, clay-like texture. Dust a rolling pin with flour. Roll dough on a smooth surface with rolling pin. Cut dough according to the star template or use a star cookie cutter. Using a drinking straw, make a hole at the top of the star so the ornament can be hung. Bake your ornament at 300 degrees (149°C) for 2 hours or 350 degrees (177°C) for 1 hour 15 minutes. Bake until dry and hard. Decorate, attach ribbon, wire, string for hanging . . . and give it to someone special. Let your light shine! Merry Christmas!

Special tip: For best results, use tempura, model, acrylic, or fabric paints to decorate. Glitter glue will add pizzazz!

The Camel—One Hump or Two?

Each issue of Answers magazine includes an outstanding Kids Answers section that highlights the wonders of God’s creation with kid-friendly information, images and games. This issue of Kids Answers explores the amazing camel, dispels myths about the Nativity, includes a biblically accurate nativity poster and more!

Browse Kids Issue