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on June 16, 2008

The yak has blackish brown hair that covers the entire body and tail. It also has large, curving horns.



The yak is designed with large lungs, a high red-blood cell count, and a high concentration of blood sugar. These features enable the yak able to survive in higher elevations. Many mountain-dwelling humans use the yak as a beast of burden since it can survive in such a demanding habitat.


  • The yak has blackish brown hair that covers the entire body and tail. It also has large, curving horns.
  • The domesticated yak is considerably smaller and more varied in color than its wild relatives.

Fun Facts

  • Despite its large size, a yak would rather run from a fight. However, it will charge if it feels sufficiently threatened.
  • The yak has been domesticated for its fur, strength, and milk.
  • The yak can live at elevations as high as 20,000 ft (6,100 m).

Created Kind Members

Antelope, wildebeest, gazelle

CLASS: Mammalia (mammals)

ORDER: Artiodactyla (even-toed hooves)

FAMILY: Bovidae (antelope, cattle, gazelle, sheep, goats, and relatives)

GENUS/SPECIES: Bos grunniens

Size: Average: 6.5 ft (2 m)

Weight: Average: 1,430 lbs (650 kg)

Original Diet: Plants

Present Diet: Plants

Habitat: High mountain tundra of Asia

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