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User:Mumpel2000, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

on December 22, 2008

The meerkat is a member of the mongoose family and is recognized for its long, thin body.



The meerkat was designed with the ability to close its ears. This is helpful as it burrows in the dry dirt. The fur of the meerkat acts as insulation and a cooling system to keep heat in when needed and to cool its body when needed. All meerkats in a gang work to provide for and protect the members of their gang.


  • The meerkat is a member of the mongoose family and is recognized for its long, thin body.
  • It has markings on its back and darker bands around the eyes. It also has black-tipped ears and tail. The color of its fur ranges from silver to orange to brown.

Fun Facts

  • Meerkats live in groups called gangs or mobs.
  • One meerkat stands guard while the others in the mob play, hunt, or sleep.
  • An adult meerkat will protect its young from predators and will even sacrifice its life for its young’s life.

Created Kind Members


CLASS: Mammalia (mammal)

ORDER: Carnivora (meat-eating)

FAMILY: Herpestidae (mongoose)

GENUS/SPECIES: Suricata suricatta

Size: Average about 20 in long (0.5 m)

Weight: Average about 1.5 lbs (0.7 kg)

Original Diet: Plants

Present Diet: Mainly insects; but also plants and small vertebrates

Habitat: Savannas of southern Africa

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