Some Day I Want to Climb Mt. Gamburtsev!

on March 11, 2009

In the 1950s a mountain range was discovered beneath the ice in Antarctica.

In the 1950s a mountain range was discovered beneath the ice in Antarctica. The mountains were named the Gamburtsevs. Recently, scientists used ice-penetrating radar and a network of seismometers (size-ma-me-ters) to determine the size and shape of the range. Scientists have learned that the mountains are similar in size and shape to the Alps, with sharp peaks and deep valleys.

Previously, secular scientists assumed the Gamburtsevs would be mostly flat. They believed that Antarctica’s ice sheet formed slowly, over millions of years. The steep and jagged mountain peaks would be worn down as the glaciers continually scraped across the mountaintops.

Finding such high, jagged peaks under the ice shows that the ice formed quickly. This fits with the creationist model of a catastrophic Ice Age. (An ice age is defined as a time of extensive glacial activity during which a large part of the land is covered by ice.) Most creationists agree that there was one major Ice Age following the Flood. It occurred largely because volcanic ash in the air blocked the sun’s rays, making the summers much cooler. This combined with warm oceans to bring about lots of precipitation, which fell over the high areas and formed ice sheets.

Secular scientists have a hard time coming to agreement about ice ages. They have proposed that there were anywhere from four to thirty different times when glaciers covered much of the land.

A catastrophic Ice Age would explain why the huge Antarctic mountains were not worn away but were instead covered rapidly. This is another example of how true science confirms what the Bible has already told us!