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God's Power to Destroy and to Build Again

on April 1, 2015

God's Power to Destroy and to Build Again

Volcanoes can be terrifying, yet God in His mercy gave us good things from volcanoes. They produced many of the world’s most beautiful islands and fertile soils, where millions of people live today. Volcanoes remind us about God’s awesome power. He has the power to judge and destroy, and He has the power to heal and save.

Girl with Binoculars

God's Display of Power in the Past

We see both aspects of God’s power throughout history. When Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, He cursed the ground and pronounced the penalty of death upon all mankind. Yet at the same time, God promised a Savior who would provide a way for us to escape.

When mankind’s sins became too great, God sent a Flood to destroy the earth. But the same waters lifted up the Ark, and saved Noah’s family.

God's Display of Power Through Jesus Christ

Finally, the day came for God to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. No one else had the power to save us. Since Jesus is God and never sinned, He could take our sins upon Himself, and die in our place.

Next came the most incredible display of power in all of history. Jesus took His life back from the grave! When Jesus rose from the dead, He showed that He has the power to save anyone who trusts in Him. We, too, can be raised from the dead!

Jesus said, “No one takes My life from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again” (John 10:18).

Hey, Kids! Buddy Davis here.

God has the power to judge and destroy because of sin. But by trusting in Jesus, you can be free from fear! He promises you can live again, just as He rose from the grave!

Buddy Davis

Kids Answers Magazine
