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Fragment of Evidence for a Past Catastrophe

Science News

on April 1, 2023

Researchers claim to have discovered a fragment of the asteroid that supposedly struck earth 66 million years ago, killing the dinosaurs.

The new documentary Dinosaur Apocalypse explores the Tanis fossil site in North Dakota where the discovery was made. Researchers identified preserved chromium, nickel, and other materials in the fragment, indicating cosmic origin.

There’s a biblical explanation for that kind of catastrophe—the global flood.

Paleontologists also discovered the fossilized leg of a dinosaur, which they believe died on the day of the asteroid strike. The site features thousands of well-preserved fish fossils as well. The scientists believe the fish were buried alive by sediment when the asteroid strike displaced a “massive body of water.”

Of course, there’s a biblical explanation for that kind of catastrophe—the global flood. According to the Bible, the flood would have wiped out the dinosaurs, except the ones Noah took with him on the ark. After the flood ended, dinosaurs might have struggled to adapt in the radically different environment and eventually died off.

While the fragment found at Tanis may have come from an asteroid, the rest of the narrative is conjecture. Evolutionists and creationists share the same evidence, but we interpret that evidence very differently based on our starting points—man’s word or God’s Word.

Article was taken from Answers magazine, October–December, 2022, p.21.